How it works

Connect, discover and program your Mariachi devices in a matter of minutes.

1) Download and install the CLI or the Console

You can use either the CLI or the Console to discover and interact with Mariachi devices. The CLI is Mariachi's open source command line interface. You can scan your network for Mariachi devices, download or upload code, reboot the device, etc, using the CLI.

The Console can do everything the CLI does through a graphic interface plus it gives you the ability to create and manage projects.

Download CLI Download Console
2) Configure your local network

Connect your computer to your switch/hub/router and set your Ethernet connection as a "manually" set, with address

You can overwrite the default address of the Mariachi network subnet
3) Connect your Mariachi devices to your network switch

Connect your Mariachi devices to a laptop or desktop using an Ethernet switch/hub/router. There are multiple options in the market from small and cheap unmanaged switches like the one pictured on the left side, to industrial grade routers like the one pictured on the right.

4) Deploy code to the network

You can deploy code to a Mariachi device using either the CLI or the Console.

When coding for a Mariachi device, remember two key points:

  1. Always start by importing the Mariachi modules and calling the _Mariachi() method before calling your main() block.
  2. Ensure your code is asynchronous by utilizing the asyncio library. This allows the Mariachi infrastructure to operate concurrently with your code.

See a sample of code below:

from _mariachi.loader import _Mariachi

# Your_code_here
async def main():
    while True:
        print("Doing async things")
        await asyncio.sleep(2)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Call Mariachi before your main method
The CLI The Console